Chapter Six





“This’ll be the final camp.

If you can get to the first floor from here,

it looks like you’ll be able to escape the building...

The enemies from here on out aren’t small fry, 

so make sure to properly prepare your equipment.

There’s armor with built-in resistances too -

the trick is to choose armor to deal with

a wide variety of attacks.”




LAW Route


A dazzling light

lit up my surroundings as bright as midday.

Archangel Michael,

cloaked in a godly aura,

stood there.



“You have done well to come thus far.

Even the heavens look over your deeds.

Such being the case, about Lilith...

How is this?

If you continue to fight for our sake, 

to take the path of light made manifest by His grace, then...

By the power of God, I shall bestow salvation upon Lilith.”

(Protagonist Name):




God will never abandon

those lambs who stride the righteous path.

He will purge those foolish enough to be drawn to darkness,

bring salvation to this dying world, and restore the proper order.

Come, vow to fight together with us.”



I will fight for God.

A human has no right to judge other humans.


If ‘I will fight for God.’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“... Yes.

I will fight for God.”


Hearing that response, 

Michael nodded, satisfied.



“Then, go forth.

The providence of heaven is always looking over you!”


Feeling the radiance of heaven on my back,

I stepped forth, a warrior of light...

(Final aligment is locked to LAW)


If ‘A human has no right to judge other humans.’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):


A human has no right to judge other humans.

I don’t mean to be an ally to demons, but...

As to whether it’s the right thing

to lead humans to be judged by the will of God...

I still don’t know.”


Hearing that response, 

A disappointed expression appeared on Michael’s face.



“Such folly...

For a human born of God to follow His will

and preserve order is undoubtedly the righteous path.


To herd those lost, wandering lambs of God,

is a task that falls upon us angels.

It is not yet too late.

Until you correct your thoughts and begin to repent,

I shall briefly remain here.”


Having said so, 

he disappeared into the light.


-1F Gate-


The hall I was in had a tall ceiling, 

and the gate visible in front was...

the entrance!

An exit to get out of this building!

I had finally come that far -

I felt a heat well up inside me.

.... Then.

A single silhouette stood at the front.

That supple, graceful body.

That glossy, long hair.

Those beautiful, sagacious eyes.

And those seductive - licentious, even - lips...


(Protagonist Name):

“... Lilith...”


“We’ve finally come this far, haven’t we...”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lilith - no, (Heroine Name)...

I came to get you.

Let’s leave together.”


“I can’t.

I’m a demon...

I can’t be together with you...”

(Protagonist Name):

“If we rely on the Archangels’ help...

The power of God will definitely save you!

... It’s going to be okay, believe me.”


Lilith shook her head.




That won’t happen.

I am a demon.

The salvation God would grant a demon,

is oblivion only.”

(Protagonist Name):

“... Huh...?”


“You see... I made a pact with Satan.

A pact to draw you to the demons’ side.

But your heart was drawn to light instead.

Leaving me all alone!!

Please! Please, don’t go...

Stay here, together with me...”


Lilith’s body started to creak and groan

as it swelled and changed shape...

In the end,

what appeared 

could not have been called Lilith.



“Let us drift eternally

within the unfathomable depths of darkness.

I won’t let go again...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)... you...”


“That’s... why...

I’ll... eat it all up...

... all of your soul!!”

(Protagonist Name):

“What’s wrong?!

(Heroine Name)!

No.... No way...!!”


One Femme (Heroine Name) appeared.





must I suffer to this point, 

cycling again and again

through such scenes of despair?


(Protagonist Name):



(Heroine Name)...

(Heroine Name)...!”

(Heroine Name):


(Protagonist Name)...”


It was almost as if the one

who lay dying in my arms

wasn’t the demon Lilith,

but rather that dear young woman

who I left forever parted

the day of Tokyo’s nuclear conflagration.


(Heroine Name):


I’m scared...

No... no...

I don’t want to die...!”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)...

At least...

At least... within my arms...”


That moment,

a dazzling light 

enveloped their bodies.

As if washing away 

the miasma of darkness that covered her,

the light gently

shined upon her cheek.


(Heroine Name):


... I’m...”

(Protagonist Name):

“... Your sins...”

(Heroine Name):

“(Protagonist Name)...


(Protagonist Name):

“... are being purified...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name),

you’re –

you’re free...”


That warm, dazzling white light

slowly grew bit by bit,

until eventually even opening my eyes

had become a difficult task.

The instant that shine 

dazzled even brighter,

I closed my eyes.


(Heroine Name):

“(Protagonist Name)...

Good... bye...”

(Protagonist Name):

“Rest peacefully...

(Heroine Name)...”


The vortex of light abated,

and as my surroundings once again

filled with tranquility and stillness, 

the young woman lying in my arms

disappeared without a trace.



Death is certain,

and its call,


or so it’s said in Latin.

Each and every living being

will eventually return to the side of the Lord.

There exists none who violate this order,

nor is the day of rapture

knowable to human minds.

Born a human,

and reborn a demon...

And once more,

as a human,

she returned to God.

Such a tumultous fate

was also set by

the exalted grace of God.

When I thought of that noble soul,

cleansed of filth and impurity,

I was gripped with the need to pray.


(Protagonist Name):

“That her soul

strays not from the righteous path.

That she is bestowed the providence of God.


That she finds peace for all eternity –

I pray.”







“Hello there, I hope you’ve been well.”


Lucifer stood there,

grinning all the while.



“You’ve done well to get this far.

Not bad, not bad.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Yeah, somehow.”


“... So.

Have you come to a decision?”

(Protagonist Name):



“You know, about Lilith.

You’ve finally come this far...

Only you can save her at this point.

Your choice 

will determine the culmination of your fates.

Are you prepared for that?”

(Protagonist Name):




I understand. I’ll judge for myself.

Maybe there’s some other way...


If ‘I understand. I’ll judge for myself.” is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I understand.

I’ll judge for myself.”


Hearing that response, 

Lucifer let out a laugh like the Cheshire Cat.



“Will you side with God, side with demons,

or cut through it all with your own strength?

The answer lies within you.”


(Protagonist Name):

“The fate of Lilith and I...

I’ll decide it for myself.”


“Then, go on.

She’s waiting for you.”


Lucifer sent me off as I,

with my own strength, stepped forward...

(Final alignment will be set

to current alignment. To select the NEUTRAL route, 

Set the protagonist’s alignment to NEUTRAL beforehand.)


If ‘Maybe there’s some other way...’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“Maybe there’s some other way...

Plus... is fate really something

that humans can set and change 

at will?”


Hearing that response, 

Lucifer let out a laugh like the Cheshire Cat.



“It looks like you’re still hesitating, yes?

“Then, until you arrive at your conclusion, 

I’ll be waiting here.”


Having said so, 

he disappeared.


-1F Gate-


The hall I was in had a tall ceiling, 

and the gate visible in front was...

the entrance!

An exit to get out of this building!

I had finally come that far -

I felt a heat well up inside me.

.... Then.

A single silhouette stood at the front.

That supple, graceful body.

That glossy, long hair.

Those beautiful, sagacious eyes.

And those seductive - licentious, even - lips...


(Protagonist Name):

“... Lilith...”


“We’ve finally come this far, haven’t we...”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lilith - no, (Heroine Name)...

I came to get you.

Let’s leave together.”


“I can’t.

You see... I made a pact with Satan.

I can’t go together with you.”

(Protagonist Name):

“I don’t care even if you’re a demon!

What really matters is your heart.

Whether Satan or whoever, I’ll beat them all for you!”


“(Protagonist Name)...”

(Protagonist Name):

“... It’s going to be okay, believe me.”



Lilith showed a sorrowful expression.



“Do you really understand what it means

to destroy Satan?”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)...?”


“Even if you do manage to defeat Satan, 

I am bound as a contractor,

and will meet the same fate...

Moreover, I took a vow.

A vow to draw you to the demons’ side.

If I can’t, only destruction awaits me...

But there is one way...”

(Protagonist Name):

“What is it?

Tell me, (Heroine Name)!”


But then Lilith, on the verge of speaking, 

was swathed in an ominous light, 

her figure undergoing a terrifying change.



“Your soul... if I were to consume it...

If I did, we could live together as the same demon!”

(Protagonist Name):

“Hey– (Heroine Name)!

Wait! Please, wait!!”


One Femme (Heroine Name) appeared.





must I suffer to this point, 

cycling again and again

through such scenes of despair?


(Protagonist Name):



(Heroine Name)...

(Heroine Name)...!”

(Heroine Name):


(Protagonist Name)...”


It was almost as if the one

who lay dying in my arms

wasn’t the demon Lilith,

but rather that dear young woman

who I left forever parted

the day of Tokyo’s nuclear conflagration.


(Heroine Name):

“(Protagonist Name)...

I could at least 

die within your arms...


(Protagonist Name):


Don’t die, (Heroine Name)!

Not you...!”


That moment,

a dazzling light 

enveloped her body.


(Heroine Name):

“I’m glad...

Finally, in the end...

I could return...

to being a human...”


That warm, dazzling white light

slowly grew bit by bit,

until eventually even opening my eyes

had become a difficult task.

The instant that shine 

dazzled even brighter,

I closed my eyes.


(Heroine Name):

“(Protagonist Name)...

Thank... you...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)!!”


The vortex of light abated,

and as my surroundings 

once again filled

with tranquility and stillness, 

the young woman lying in my arms

disappeared without a trace.

Defeated by our battle,

Lilith return to her former self –

she returned to being (Heroine Name).

She was smiling.

And while smiling at me,

she told me, “Thank you.”

I don’t know if a human who’s

exchanged oaths with a demon

can return to being human.


In that moment of death,

at heart, she was undoubtedly...

no longer Lilith.

She was exactly how (Heroine Name) used to be.


(Protagonist Name):


It’s better this way, right...?”


I questioned no one in particular,

nor was there any response.

Each and every living being

will eventually return to dust.

There exists none who violate this order,

while those who are left,

cannot bring themselves to forsake living.

Yet, precisely because of that,

I will not regret.

Not that I continue to live,

nor that I lost her.

I will not regret.

The path she chose,

as well as the path

I myself grasped, 

were both the best choices we could make.

If I don’t believe that,

I won’t be able to continue any further.

In the end, humans

are that sort of creature.






A freezing darkness surged forth, 

enveloping my surroundings.


cloaked in a jet black mantle,

stood there.



“You have done well to come this far.

A good show, indeed.

Accordingly, I bring a proposition.

How about it?

Won’t you try joining hands with demons,

and use your strength for our sake?

If you do so...

I shall grant you that woman.”

(Protagonist Name):



“That’s right.

You may treat her as you please.

You’ll be able to return to how it was before.

As one aligned with demons,

that is.”

(Protagonist Name):



“What will you choose, I wonder?”



I understand. I’ll side with demons.

I want to stay a human.


If ‘I understand. I’ll side with demons.’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I understand.

I’ll side with demons.”


Hearing that response, 

Satan nodded with satisfaction.


(Protagonist Name):

“With this, Lilith with really be free, right?”


“Demons will not err from a contract.

...Then, go forth.

Us demons will spare no effort in assisting you.”


Feeling the chill of darkness on my back,

I stepped forth, a demon warrior...

(Final alignment set to CHAOS)


If ‘I want to stay a human.’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I want to stay a human...

I want to let Lilith free, but...

If that means throwing away my humanity...

Moreover, I can’t trust that

you’ll really uphold your end of the bargain.”


Hearing that response, 

an eerie smile floated up Satan’s face.



“A pair of star-crossed lovers, finally about to become one, 

and yet you fuss about staying human...

I cannot understand it, but very well.

There is no need for concern.

A demon’s oath is absolute.

Even I am no exception to that rule.

Seeing as you are unable to come to a decision, 

I shall briefly remain here.”


Having said so, 

he disappeared into the dark.


-1F Gate-


The hall I was in had a tall ceiling, 

and the gate visible in front was...

the entrance!

An exit to get out of this building!

I had finally come that far –

I felt a heat well up inside me.

.... Then.

A single silhouette stood at the front.

That supple, graceful body.

That glossy, long hair.

Those beautiful, sagacious eyes.

And those seductive - licentious, even - lips...


(Protagonist Name):

“... Lilith...”


“We’ve finally come this far, haven’t we...”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lilith - no, (Heroine Name)...

I’ll also contract with Satan.

I won’t let you go alone.”

(Protagonist Name):

“From now on, we’ll always be together...”



(Protagonist Name):


I won’t back out anymore.”


A look of hesitation appeared on Lilith’s face.


she started looking at me with sorrowful eyes.



“I can’t go.

In the end...

I can’t go together with you.”

(Protagonist Name):




“It’s certainly true that with this, 

in accordance with my oath to Lord Satan, 

I managed to draw you into the darkness...

Moreover, just as Lord Satan vowed to me, 

we can be joined together for eternity.


(Protagonist Name):

“What do you mean, ‘But...’?!

(Heroine Name)!

We can finally be together!”



That’s how it should have been.

But... but...”


Shockingly clear tears

trickled down Lilith’s face.



“... I just got it now.

That this was a mistake...

I changed you...

You’re no longer

the (Protagonist Name) I know.”

(Protagonist Name):

“No way!

This is the me you wanted me to be!

No matter how much I change, I’ll always be myself!”



I should have been the only one to fall...

All of this is my fault...”


As soon as she said so, lightning rushed down from the firmament,

enveloping Lilith’s body with a holy aura,

and eliciting a transformation into the form of empyrean light.



“So, at least...

I’ll save you...

I’ll save your soul!!”

(Protagonist Name):

“Don’t screw with me, (Heroine Name)! 

I depraved myself for you...

and you’re... gonna betray me?!!”


One Femme (Heroine Name) appeared.




When I made up my mind, 

I didn’t have a shred of hesitation.

Lilith’s eyes, wet from tears of love, 

opened up widely...

and warped.

That fallen young woman, 

at death’s door from severe injuries, 

tried to stand up

all the same.

But, those injuries must have be hurting.

While pressing down on her side, 

she curled her body small

on top of the floor.



“Ugh–... Nn–...”


I couldn’t let my guard down just yet.

The woman anguishing in front of me

was Fallen Lilith, one who

contracted with Satan, was reborn, 

and obtained power unknown to man.

Until the black light of life was extinguished,

I couldn’t relax.


(Protagonist Name):

“Does it hurt... Lilith?”



“(Protagonist Name)...

you can’t...



(Protagonist Name):

“Uh huh...

so it hurts...”




I saw Lilith’s stomach rise and fall

from her weak breaths,

and dispassionately, I stepped on it.

A line of blood 

roughly overflowed

from the corner of her mouth.


(Protagonist Name):

“At the very least, I’ll give you a parting gift.

I will end

your suffering.”



Any more than this, and you’ll...”

(Protagonist Name):

“Sleep. Forever.”


“... Your sins...

... please... no more...”

That hoarse, tragic voice held no power, 

and with an ominous, final quiver, 

her pulse disappeared.

Not a single person remained

to see that final, clear tear

stream down the face

of that departed woman.

Good exists on one side of the coin,

and on the other,



There are not many who can clearly demarcate

the line between these two extremes.

Depending on the times, the subject,

and the circumstances surrounding them, 

the same thing

could be judged as both good or evil.


whichever age,

whichever subject,

in all things, there exists 

only one absolute.

Overwhelming power.


the bottomless desire

that will serve

as the source of that power.


(Protagonist Name):

“That’s right...

What rules over this world

is strength and desire.


controls the hearts of man,

who in turn

seek power.

And only those who obtain that power

gain the right to grant their own desires.

One who’s obtained it all –


is me.”