Chapter Three





“So you’re the guy who’s been

making his way down the building, huh.

I’ll tell you something good.

It seems there’s a sword that grows as you fuse it

with certain demons.

The Grass-Cutting Sword, or the Spirit Sword, or something...

If you have it, you should unequip it

and take it to the Cathedral of Shadows.”




(Protagonist Name):



As soon as I entered the room, 

a strong, sudden light stole my field of vision.

As if a sun had come down right on top of me, 

eyes shut from the glare, 

I felt a warmth spread throughout my face.

Just what...?



“(Protagonist Name).”

(Protagonist Name):

“Who... are you?”


The light dimmed greatly, and eventually, 

I could see what lay in front of me.

A man was standing there, 

tall, copper-skinned, 

and with an intrepid look about him.

On his back, 

behind polished armor...

spanned a pair of 

dazzlingly beautiful wings.

He seemed wrapped 

in a glaring light.



“I am Michael, leader of angels.”


It was a voice dripping with pride and confidence.



“(Protagonist Name).

Did you not heed my warning from last time?”

(Protagonist Name):



“You should have heard from Gabriel

to not be tricked by Lilith.”

(Protagonist Name):


That man in white...”


“That was Gabriel,

messenger of the gods.

Why do you think

I went out of my way to send him?

Your prominent activities

draw the attention of even us archangels.

Accordingly, you must not allow yourself to fall

to the machinations of demons.

Stray not

from the righteous path, 

and be granted the providence of Heaven.

(Protagonist Name):

“You mean...

you’re saying you’ll help me get out of this building...



“Angels spare no succor

to those who follow the will of God.

(Protagonist Name).

Know that Lilith is a trap.”


“Insolent words, coming from an angel!”




Darkness arrived.

It swelled and expanded, 

eroding the light emanating from the archangel.

And from the darkness

walked a man dressed in black...





“It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Michael?”


“Leave this place.

I have no words to speak to you.”


“I’m afraid I can’t let it be.

Not after hearing you call her a demon’s trap.

An evil plot, even?”


“That’s correct.

Demons exist to mislead, 

deceive, and corrupt humans.”


“Not quite, archangel.

To be misled,

to be deceived, and to be corrupted are what it means to be human.

Demons simply enable it.

Unlike angels, who refuse to accept

humanity’s weakness.

Lilith is the same.

... (Protagonist Name).

Unable to leave you to die, her heart, in that moment of death, 

bore a certain doubt.

I simply accepted it

as it was.”


“Mere sophistry!”


“My words, or yours, I wonder.”


It was a confrontation of light and darkness.

Funnily enough, 

the two seemed similar in some way,

even though they were polar opposites...



“God is Truth.

So it was decided

in the beginning, and necessitates

no validation.”


“Is that so?


Then, allow me to see it through to the end.”


Satan sent a glance towards my direction, 

then smiled.

I could see indignation flaring in Michael’s face.


As the angel retracted his wings, 

his figure seemed to fade into the light.



“Do not forget my words.”


The demon similiarly began to 

step into the darkness. 



“There’s nothing emptier than an angel’s words...”


Then, the two left. What remained

was just one

lone human.





“(Protagonist Name)...”

(Protagonist Name):




I tried to called out, but stopped.

Was she (Heroine Name), 

at this point?

Then again, 

she was undoubtedly a demon.

As if to jolt those thoughts out of me,

Lilith began to sway and change form

before my very eyes.


(Protagonist Name):



What lay there was none other than

dear (Heroine Name).

Reunited with someone

I thought I’d never meet again, 

I felt a heat well up inside me.


(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)!”


“(Protagonist Name)...

I’m sorry...

I’m hurting you, aren’t I?


even so, I wanted to be with you.

No matter what, I couldn’t bear

to lose you like that.

Maybe it was all my ego.


There was no other way.

Nothing other than to accept Lord Satan’s pact,

and serve him as the demon Lilith.

(Protagonist Name):

“What is Satan trying to have you do



Lilith shook her head.

I wondered if she couldn’t say it.

Satan was her master, after all.



“But, I can say this.

I live for your sake.

That is my life’s purpose.


my feelings never changed...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)...!”



Maybe God has the power to do something.

I don’t care even if you’re a demon!

But, you’re under Satan’s control...


When ‘Maybe God has the power to do something.’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“Maybe God has the power to do something.

Michael said it, didn’t he?

‘Angels spare no succor

to those who follow the will of God.’ 

Even though you’re a demon right now, you were a human originally.


You haven’t lost your heart.

It seems more like you’re being tricked by Satan.

... The angels will definitely understand.”


“(Protagonist Name)...”

(Protagonist Name):

“At any rate, I aim to break through to the next floor.

... I’ll defeat demons, 

acting in accordance with the will of God.

If I do so, I may be able to save you...



Lilith smiled

and nodded, but 

that smile seemed somewhat lonely.



“I should get going.

I’m still a demon, after all.

Those angels won’t be too happy

if we stay together too long, will they?”


And so she left.


When ‘I don’t care even if you’re a demon!’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I don’t care even if you’re a demon!

No matter what,

you’ll always be (Heroine Name)!

You haven’t lost your compassion...

Isn’t that enough?”


Lilith showed a downcast expression.



“At some point, 

you’ll have to make a choice...”

(Protagonist Name):

“A choice?

What kind?”


“One that will determine your fate.

I exist to guide that choice, 

and, in turn, be guided by it.”


Her words puzzled me.



“It’s still not that time yet...

But please don’t forget.

That time will come...”


Leaving only those words,

Lilith departed.


When ‘But, you’re under Satan’s control...’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“But, you’re under Satan’s control...

you were probably ordered

to get close to me, right?”



(Protagonist Name):

“There’s no way a demon would make a deal

without getting anything in return.

Just what is his objective?”



(Protagonist Name):

“In the first place,

can you even really prove that you’re (Heroine Name)?”



(Protagonist Name):

“That in itself may be

another one of their traps, huh.”



you might be right...”


Though Lilith showed a sorrowful expression at first, 

before long, a seductive smile hung upon her lips.



“Lord Satan

may just like that

about you...”

(Protagonist Name):

“What do you mean?”


“You’ll understand eventually.

...... Let’s meet again.



Leaving only those words,

Lilith departed.





something fluttered down in front of me.

It was a playing card.

Flipping it over, I saw the queen of spades.



“Hey, looks like we meet again.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lucifer... right?”


“You remembered me?

What an honor.

Incidentally, you’ve likely met Lilith again, yes?

What did she say?”

(Protagonist Name):

“She said she lived for my sake...”


“I see.

... Then, what about you?

She was your girlfriend, wasn’t she?”

(Protagonist Name):




I’ll save her.

I want to know her true feelings.

I’m worried she may be an enemy.


When ‘I’ll save her’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I’ll save her.”


“Save her?


(Protagonist Name):

“I’m still figuring that out...”



Well, it’s fine...



A suggestive look emerged on Lucifer’s face.



“Is that really what she wants?”

(Protagonist Name):



“She exists for your sake.

She said that, didn’t she?

Yet you speak of saving her.

You should think on the meaning of her words.”

(Protagonist Name):

“... What do you mean?”


“Who knows.

That’s something for you to figure out!

... Let’s meet again, 

if the opportunity ever arises.”


Lucifer soon disappeared,

laughter filling his wake.


When ‘I want to know her true feelings’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I want to know her true feelings.”


“True feelings?”

(Protagonist Name):


She may be a demon, but...

she still seems human at heart...

Honestly, just what is she thinking...

I don’t understand her how she feels.

If I did, I could at least do 

what she wants me to...”



Well, it’s fine...



A suggestive look emerged on Lucifer’s face.



“Is that really what she wants?”

(Protagonist Name):



“She exists for your sake.

She said that, didn’t she?

And yet you say

that her feelings are important.

You should think on the meaning of her words.”

(Protagonist Name):

“... What do you mean?”


“Who knows.

That’s something for you to figure out!

... Let’s meet again, 

if the opportunity ever arises.”


Lucifer soon disappeared,

laughter filling his wake.


If ‘I’m worried she may be an enemy’ is chosen:

(Protagonist Name):

“I’m worried she may be an enemy.”


“Is that so?”

(Protagonist Name):

“No matter how many times you say she’s reborn, 

she’s a demon, plus

she’s contracted with Satan.


She shouldn’t be able to oppose Satan’s command.

Maybe it’s some kind of scheme...”



Well, it’s fine...”


A suggestive look emerged on Lucifer’s face.



“She exists for your sake.

She said that, didn’t she?

You should think on the meaning of her words.”

(Protagonist Name):


“... What do you mean?”


“Who knows.

That’s something for you to figure out!

... Let’s meet again, 

if the opportunity ever arises.”


Lucifer soon disappeared,

laughter filling his wake.




The room was dark and smelled of mold,

with spider’s nests littered about, 

giving the impression it had

been abandoned for untold years.

Candlesticks neatly lined the walls, 

and what seemed to be an old stone coffin

was placed towards the center.

It seemed like there would be a stairway up ahead.

Thinking so, I stepped into the room, 

and suddenly, countless candles lit up.

With a menacing rumble, 

the stone coffin slowly started to open.

Once again, it looked like I wasn’t getting through for free.

Appearing from the coffin together with pallid light was

a fanged, red-eyed man wearing a cloak.

He looked like a vampire straight out of a movie!



“I am Vampire,

divorced from the mortal coil, 

the undying king of darkness.

Will you join me and live in the darkness forever more?

Or will you give up every last drop of your life...?

Make your decision.”


“Woah, are you serious?!

You think I’ll let myself get turned into a zombie in a place like this?!”


Three Yoma Vampire appeared.



The vampires raised their final cries.

Their bodies crumbled away like sand, 

and before long, only dirt remained in the coffin.

Seeing that I had safely gotten through the encounter,

I took a breath in relief.


(Protagonist Name):

“... Oh? This is......”


Peeking into the now-ownerless coffin, 

I spotted a sword.

It must’ve been the one of the vampire’s private property.

The blade’s body was simple, but

the tip, which let out a calm brilliance, 

seemed stacked with both sharpness and pliancy.

I couldn’t read the inscription, but

it was surely the work of some famous smith.

(You obtained the Spirit Sword)

Graciously accepting this gift, 

I departed, sword in hand.