Chapter Four





“I hear there’s a lot of brawny,

powerful demons loitering about.

It’ll get harder to effectively damage 

opponents if they have higher vitality than you, 

so if it’s looking to be long, drawn out fight,

consider raising your vitality.




The room was arranged with

various types of opulent fixings, and

a chandelier hung from the ceiling, 

illuminating the sculptures and paintings

adorning the space.

With a casual glance, 

I saw the room’s inhabitant

spread atop an extravagant, 

cabriole-legged sofa.

... She must have been

a lady fit

for this lavish room.

Alas, she had long 

turned into

a dessicated mummy.

The only clues to her gender

were her dress and hair, 

her face nothing more

than wilted skin 

on skull.

Could this also have been

a demon’s victim?

The dress the woman was wearing looked expensive, 

sporting an elegant, prominent design,

the fabric still retaining its luster.

It seemed like it would looked good on Lilith...


that abrupt thought brushed by my mind.



I’ll give it to Lilith as a present.

Better to mourn her than do something as irreverent as that.

Looks like there’s nothing else... I guess I’ll leave.


When ‘I’ll give it to Lilith as a present’ is chosen:

It felt creepy considering it was a corpse’s dress, but

maybe that made it even more fitting 

for Lilith’s demonic self.

More than anything else, it really suited her, 

and it’s not like the dead need any clothing, so, 

better to have

someone wear it, right?


in trying to undress her,

as I touched the mummy...

as if weathering away, 

the dress and mummy jointly

crumbled and disappeared.

I thought it was a shame, but seeing nothing else to do, 

I left the room.


When ‘Better to mourn her than to do something as irreverent as that’ is chosen:

Just what kind of calamity

had struck this woman?

What kind of a person had she been...?

With those thoughts at heart,

I closed my eyes shut and prayed.

Upon opening them,

I was shocked by what lay in front of me.

A beautiful woman

was gently sleeping on the sofa.

She seemed radiant

with porcelain skin,

a faint blush sneaking onto her cheeks,

complimenting her faintly cherry lips.

Soft, flaxen hair waved past,

her long eyelashes dropping an alluring shadow.

... Or so I saw, for a brief instant.

By the time I realized it, what lay there

was a familiar mummy.

Was that...

... a hallucination?

After giving my respects to the dead once again,

I left the room.


When ‘Looks like there’s nothing else...’ is chosen:

Something like a dress would only add bulk, 

serving no purpose.

Plus, I doubted Lilith would be too happy

to wear something off of a corpse...

Seeing nothing else in the room, 

I saw no reason to stay, 

so I left.




Tall shelves

divided the inside of the room,

filled to the brim

with books.

A library, perhaps?

As I walked between the racks, 

I saw a single light

at a nearby reading desk.


(Protagonist Name):



There she was.

She seemed to be sleeping at the desk, 

her head nuzzled on top of her arm,

with a book spread out in front of her.

Who would have thought

that I’d meet Lilith at a place like that...




Sleeping out in a place like this can’t be good for her.

I think I’ll stay and watch for a while.

I wonder what she was reading...


When ‘Sleeping out in a place like this can’t be good for her.’ is chosen:

Sleeping out in a place like this couldn’t be good for her.

Though, I didn’t know if

demons could even catch colds...


(Protagonist Name):





I gently shook her awake.

When Lilith opened her eyes...





In shock, she bolted up, 

closing shut the book that was on the desk.

Then, with tome in hand, 

she scurried away into the sea of bookshelves.


(Protagonist Name):


Hey! Wait up!”


I quickly chased after her,

but she was nowhere to be seen.

I wondered what she was reading.

In any case, as always,

I couldn’t get a read on her...

Oh well.

I suspected we would meet again if we needed to.

Seeing nothing else of note, 

I left the library.


When “I think I’ll stay and watch for a while.” is chosen:

I pulled over a nearby chair, sat down, 

then peered at Lilith’s sleeping face.

She looked incredibly gentle, 

as far from a demon as anything could appear.

... As I sat watching, 

I felt a yearning, heartrending feeling

gush forth...

As if I’d seen

something like this before...


I remembered watching as she slept next to me

on that park bench, 

lured by the thought

of a sunlit nap.

It should have been a recent memory, 

but it seemed like something

so long ago.

Compared to then,

everything had changed...

Unable to bear looking any further,

I left Lilith there

and departed the library.


When ‘I wonder what she was reading.’ is chosen:

I mused on what she had been reading.

Wondering if the book

had any information regarding

demons or this building,


I peeked over to look...


(Protagonist Name):



Lilith suddenly opened her eyes, waking up

from the desk and closing the book shut.


with tome in hand, 

she scampered away behind the shelves.


(Protagonist Name):


Hey! Wait up!”


I quickly chased after her,

but she was nowhere to be seen.

Just what could she have been reading?

In any case, she was as hard to read as ever...

Oh well.

I suspected we would meet again if we needed to.

Seeing nothing else of note, 

I left the library.




“What’s this place?”

Grotesquely shaped plants thickly covered the center of the room, 

with countless insects I had never seen before crawling about.

Without thinking, I stiffened up

at the ghastly sight in front of me.

On cue, the insects slithering about the ground starting gathering in one spot, 

emanating a terrible, otherworldly sound.

They were fervently eating something.

... Each other?

That’s right, they were cannibalizing each other!

As they did so,

the collection of bugs packed on mass,

becoming bigger and bigger.

What finally appeared

was the agglutination of countless reptiles, insects, and such.

It was a monstrous creature I had never seen before.



“I am Bael, 

an ancient god scorned by heaven.

Now is the time of my vengeance!

Humans, blessed by God!

No one! Not a single one...

Will survive!


I’ll kill you!!




What’s wrong with this guy?!

Why was he 

taking it out on me?!


Three Tyrant Bael appeared.




Thwarted again by the schemes of heaven!

You’re nothing but a ****!!

Damn it!

Damn it all!!!”


Accompanied by an awful, unearthly sound, 

the mass of monsters crumbled and disappeared.

Seeing that I had safely gotten through the encounter,

I took a breath in relief.



“Looks like you’re safe.”


That moment,

a voice suddenly came from the side.


(Protagonist Name):



Turning around to look, 

I saw that Lilith had been standing there since some point.



“The guard this time around wasn’t easy.

I thought I’d drop by just in case, but

it looks like that wasn’t necessary.”


Her deep, somber eyes

reflecting a clever glint, 

she seemed the usual, unreadable demon Lilith,

but somehow,

I thought it seemed like

she had on an expression of relief.

Or was that just my own wishful thinking?


(Protagonist Name):

“I may look like this, but it was a hard fight.

I totally thought I’d die.”


“You keeping getting stronger day after day.

The demons probably won’t sit back and do nothing.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Looks like all that hard work’s made me popular...

I don’t think I have enough lives.

So, what did you drop by for this time?

I doubt you only came to congratulate me, right?”


“I came to warn you.


Proceedings will change according to the protagonist’s alignment


If the protagonist’s alignment is LAW:

“You’re a kind, deeply compassionate man.

But, in being so,

you’ll end up being used by the angels.

They wish only to exploit your power.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lilith... No, (Heroine Name)...

Don’t you also

want to use me?”



You might be right.

But I exist for your sake.

I am what you wish me to be.

Don’t forget that...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)...”


“Take this.”


You obtained an Incense of Wisdom!

You obtained an Incense of Vitality!


(Protagonist Name):

“This is...?”


“This is a magical incense that will spring forth power when you light it.

It should definitely help you in your coming battles.”

(Protagonist Name):


This isn’t a trap, right?”


“I prepared it just for you.

I hope you can believe me.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Alright, I’ll take it.



“Then, I’ll go on ahead.

Please do be careful.”


Leaving those words,

soundlessly, she disappeared into darkness.


If the protagonist’s alignment is NEUTRAL:

“You always decide things by yourself.

But, in doing so,

you’ll end up alone.

Now that the world’s like this, 

humans have to cling to something

to survive.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lilith... No, (Heroine Name)...

Humans are always alone.

Even if they do rely on something.”



You might be right.

But I exist for your sake.

I live precisely because you want me to.

Don’t forget that...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)...”


“Take this.”


You obtained an Incense of Strength!

You obtained an Incense of Agility!


(Protagonist Name):

“This is...?”


“It’s a magical incense that will spring forth power when you light it.

It should definitely help you in your coming battles.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Alright, I’ll take it.



“Then, I’ll go on ahead.

Please do be careful.”


Leaving those words,

soundlessly, she disappeared into darkness.


If the protagonist’s alignment is CHAOS:

“You’re honest to your own emotions.

But, in being so, 

you’ll end up being used by the demons.

I don’t want to hand you over

to anyone else.”

(Protagonist Name):

“Lilith... No, (Heroine Name)...

I feel the same.

I want to always be with you.”



I’m glad.

But, now’s not the time for that yet.

To win it all, 

you’ll need more power...”

(Protagonist Name):

“(Heroine Name)...”


“Take this.”


You obtained an Incense of Magic!

You obtained an Incense of Strength!


(Protagonist Name):

“This is...?”


“It’s a magical incense that will spring forth power when you light it.

It should definitely help you in your coming battles.”


(Protagonist Name):

“Alright, I’ll take it.



“Then, I’ll go on ahead.

Please do be careful.”


Leaving those words,

soundlessly, she disappeared into darkness.